Once you understand the lock model it's really no big deal to just protect reads and writes. I wouldn't want to block the GUI by calling Read all the time in the GUI thread (in the case of a polling protocol).Īn app with a high data rate will almost always be multi-threaded, be it through GUI syncing, BackgroundWorkers, or a data parsing thread. Also, if a user clicks a button and you send a command you are in the GUI thread. A Google ingyenes szolgltatsa azonnal lefordtja a szavakat, kifejezseket s weboldalakat a magyar s 100 tovbbi nyelv kombincijban. If you use the DataReceived event it is multi-threaded. Now your http server will start in port 8000. Putting a lock around your read and write statements is critical, even if your connection is full duplex. It doesn't happen that often because most serial protocols are rather low data rate, but when it does happen you are left scratching your head. If you enter both at the same time, your object will go all kinds of crazy. SerialPort.Read and SerialPort.Write are not thread safe. It does this by intercepting calls to Write and the SerialPort.DataRecieved events and relaying the data to a pair of Reactive Subjects that client. The code is designed to wrap around a SerialPort to provide Async-Await operations. There is a serious problem with the SerialPort class that will drive a person mad if they are not aware of it. Performance considerations and stability are high priority, but also figuring out if Im reinventing the wheel.
I have not read that entire article, but I did find the section where the Write command is issued. As String ' Receive strings from a serial port.
How to: Receive Strings From Serial Ports in Visual Basic. Showtek today is tomorrow rapidshare free. Using Gordon's wiringPi library makes it easy to open the gpio serial comms port on the Pi and write code with Gambas. Raspberry Pi Serial Comms: Gambas + wiringPi I've been playing around with serial comms on my Pi/Picaxe dev rig.